LAWRENCEVILLE – Just days before the May 21 primary, Progressive Democrats of America, PDA, a large, vocal wing of the Democratic Party, and the Progressive Democrats of America’s Georgia Division on Saturday chose Karen René to be the next representative for Georgia’s 13th Congressional District.
The organization said René was the best candidate, and incumbent Rep. David Scott, aside from being physically unable to fulfill the job, does not support the needs of the people of the district,
“It was really a no-brainer,” said Vincent Fort, director of the Georgia PDA and a former Georgia state senator.
“Karen René has an exemplary record of advocating for progressive policies, like police reform, working families, universal health care, voter access, and voting rights while she was an East Point city council member, vice president of the NAACP Atlanta Branch, and state director of the Working Families Party.
“David Scott is bad on policy. He is in the pocket of big banks and Wall Street. He votes like the good old boys of South Georgia. It’s unfortunate that he and his family have not seen fit for him to step aside.
“Karen René is head and shoulders above all the others. The others aren’t close to her in talent and experience.”
PDA is a grassroots organization with scores of chapters across America that advocate and lobby for healthcare, voter protection, police reform, immigration reform, and social and economic justice.
René, a three-term East Point City Council member from 2014 to 2024 and former vice president of the NAACP Atlanta Branch, thanked the organization.
“I am very honored to receive their endorsements, and it is an honor to be recognized for my work in the community and to be supported to represent the 13th Congressional District,” she said.
Georgia Reps. Karen Bennett, D-Stone Mountain, and Derrick Jackson, D-Tyrone, endorsed Karen René earlier in the campaign.
“So many of us are admirers of Karen René and all the work she has done for Georgia, so much so that last year the 100 Black Men of South Metro Atlanta awarded her the Impact Award for her service to the community,” Jackson said.
“I am personally amazed at how tireless and focused she is when it comes to serving her constituents, whether it be as a city council member, with the NAACP, or any of the other positions she has had on the variety of issues she has taken up since she entered the political arena.
“Her fresh ideas, her energy, and her ability to work with others are what we so desperately need in Congress right now.”
René is a graduate of political science from Alabama State University with a law degree from Atlanta Law School. She was also the business director for Federal Job Corps in Georgia for 14 years.
Bennett also praised René.
“Karen René has the energy and smarts that we need in Washington to protect and promote the wishes and rights of the nearly one million people of the 13th Congressional District,” she said. “Karen René has been on the frontline fighting for the issues that matter, senior services and benefits, economic development, affordable housing, youth development, job training with workforce development, fair wages, and health care.
“Unlike so many elected officials, Karen René doesn’t just talk about it. She is the kind of person who gets things done.
Karen René for Congress
Media Representative
Ronald Harris
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Progressive Democrats Choose Karen René for Congress Over Incumbent

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